
An Italian Holiday

Maeve Haran

Sale Price: ₹ 101.1
MRP: 101.1
Weight: 337 gm
ISBN: 9781447291954
Publisher: Pan Macmillan
Collection: Standard Books
Binding: Paperback
Description: Sunshine, warmth, lemon blossom . . . Springtime in glorious Southern Italy can go to your head. Especially if you are escaping an overbearing husband, the embarrassingly public loss of your company, an interfering mother who still tries to run your life or the pain of a husband's affair with a girl young enough to be his daughter. As the Italian sun ripens the lemons in the groves that tumble down the hillsides and the Mediterranean dazzles beneath them, assertive Angela, extrovert Sylvie, unconfident Claire and mousy Monica find burgeoning friendship and begin to blossom in quite unexpected ways. Packed with memorable characters—from the acid-tongued Grand Old Man of Modern Art who lives next door—to the aspiring gigolo who thinks nothing of a 40 year age gap, this novel is a witty and entertaining reminder of why going a little mad in the sun can sometimes be exactly what you need.