
Bindi Babes


Sale Price: ₹ 43.5
MRP: 43.5
Weight: 145 gm
ISBN: 9780440866336
Publisher: Corgi
Collection: Standard Books
Binding: Paperback
Description: Three feisty, fun-loving Anglo-Asian sisters rule the roost over their dad since their mum died. They've got a reputation at school for being the coolest, most sorted babes in town - and what they certainly DON'T need is an interfering Auntie-ji from India inviting herself over to England and cramping their style. Which is exactly what their dad organizes-The girls decide the only way out of this nagging-adult dilemma is an arranged marriage - for their auntie! Enter Mr Arora, the dream boat teacher who just might whisk Auntie off in his arms and into the sunset. (They hope!)