
Candide Voltaire

Francois-Marie Arouet (Voltaire)

Sale Price: ₹ 129.5
MRP: 129.5
Weight: 259 gm
ISBN: 9789351285663
Publisher: Kalpaz Publications
Collection: Premium Books
Binding: Hardcover
Description:  Candide begins in the German town of Westphalia, where Candide, a young man, lives in the castle of Baron of Thunder - ten- tronckh. A noted philosopher, Doctor Pangloss, tutors the baron on philosophical optimism. Candide, a simple man, first accepts this philosophy, but as he experiences the horrors of war, poverty, the maliciousness of man, and the hypocrisy of the Church, he begins to doubt the voracity of Pangloss's theory. Thus, philosophical optimism is the focus of Voltaire's Satire; anti-war and antichurch refrains also run throughout the novel. Candide makes his way to a neighbouring town, where he is aided by two soldiers. He is pressed into service and endures beating at the hands of his superiors.