
Country Living Country Decorator

Miranda Innes

Sale Price: ₹ 378.9
MRP: 378.9
Weight: 1263 gm
ISBN: 9780091783495
Publisher: Ebury Press
Collection: Standard Books
Binding: Hardcover
Description: Country style has proved itself to be one of the most enduring and best loved of all decorating styles. The blending of old and new, of simple and sophisticated, provides an oasis of warmth and comfort in today's high-pressure world. Room-by-room, this book considers the essentials of country decoration. Photographs illustrate how broad the spectrum can be, from the simplicity of Scandinavian interiors through classic English chintz to the warm chalky colours of Mediterranean homes. In each case informative captions pinpoint the key elements and inspiration is followed up by practical information in workshop pages, where step-by-step photographs and instructions show how to achieve these effects in your own home, from painting tiles to antiquing walls.