

Rose Impey

Sale Price: ₹ 24.4
MRP: 24.4
Weight: 61 gm
ISBN: 9780006730071
Publisher: You know how it is when you REALLY want something? Well, we’re desperate for a dog. Jets is a series of simple stories with lots of lively pictures, ideal for children who are just beginning to enjoy reading. You know how it is when you really want somet
Collection: Classic Books
Binding: Paperback
Description: You know how it is when you REALLY want something? Well, we’re desperate for a dog. Jets is a series of simple stories with lots of lively pictures, ideal for children who are just beginning to enjoy reading. You know how it is when you really want something? Really, REALLY want something. That’s how my sister and I felt. We really wanted a dog. But mum and dad kept saying no. We HAD to think of something to change their minds. I mean, we were getting desperate.