
Everything I Know About Monsters

Tom Lichenheld

Sale Price: ₹ 77.6
MRP: 77.6
Weight: 194 gm
ISBN: 9780689861239
Publisher: Simon & Schuster Children's
Collection: Classic Books
Binding: Paperback
Description: Everything you ever wanted to know about monsters but were too afraid to ask!; Where do monsters really come from? The cupboard, the basement, under the bed, even the school boiler room. But mostly, they come from a healthy imagination! Using a patented system of made-up facts and educated guesses, Everything I Know About Monsters reveals all the gory details about creatures of creepiness: what they eat (dirty socks), what's in their brains (not much), and how to scare them out of the basement (stand at the top of the stairs, bang pots and pans together and yell very loudly). So turn on all the lights in the house and get comfortable. You're about to learn so much about monsters, it's positively scary!