
Gruesome Grown : Cautionary tales for lovers of squeam!

Jamie Rix

Sale Price: ₹ 64
MRP: 64
Weight: 128 gm
ISBN: 9781407246185
Publisher: Hachette Children's Group
Collection: Premium Books
Binding: Paperback
Description: Grizzliness is out there. Every child has the makings of mischievousness, and can be lured into committing dastardly deeds. The six stories in each of the Grizzly Tales books show the rise and hard fall of vile and villainous children. In this book, parents and teachers are to blame for the murk and misery of the children's lives. Luckily, there are top tips for dealing with gruesome grown-ups - although no child is clever enough to defeat the Darkness completely ... We are completely reinventing the Grizzly Tales format for today's readers - ingenious concepts to link the separate stories, new format, design and illustrations, but still capturing Jamie Rix's legendary brilliant for creating stories that linger in the mind long after the lights go out at night!