
Harvesting The Heart

Jodi Picoult

Sale Price: ₹ 106
MRP: 575
Weight: 353 gm
ISBN: 9780340978900
Publisher: Hodder And Stoughton
Collection: Standard Books
Binding: Paperback
Description: Paige has only a few vivid memories of her mother, who abandoned her when she was five. Now, having left home and her father for dreams of art school and marriage to an ambitious young doctor, Paige finds herself with a child of her own. Emotionally and physically exhausted, overwhelmed by the demands of her family, Paige cannot forget her mother's absence or the shameful memories from her own past. Her next step would have been unthinkable before her doubts about her maternal ability crept into her mind. Is it possible Paige's baby would be better off without her?