
Kid Wonder And The Sticky Skyscraper

Carolyn Bear, Michaela Morgan, Stephen Elboz, Margaret Mcallister And Judy Brown

Sale Price: ₹ 26.4
MRP: 26.4
Weight: 88 gm
ISBN: 9780199199921
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Collection: Standard Books
Binding: Paperback
Description: This book is part of TreeTops Fiction, a structured reading programme providing juniors with stories they will love to read. Offering chapter books with full-colour illustrations, written by well-known authors, these stories are full of humour and have real boy appeal. They are tightly levelled allowing children to read books appropriate to their ability. Books contain inside cover notes to support children in their reading. Help with childrens reading development also available at www.oxfordowl.co.uk. This book is also available as part of a mixed pack of 6 different books or a class pack of 36 books of the same Oxford Reading Tree level.