
Left Neglected

Lisa Genova

Sale Price: ₹ 94.2
MRP: 94.2
Weight: 314 gm
ISBN: 9781849835725
Publisher: Simon & Schuster Ltd 
Collection: Standard Books
Binding: Paperback
Description: The moving second novel from the author of international hit Still Alice, which explores the life of a woman struck by a brain disorder, Left Neglect 'I think some small part of me knew I was living an unsustainable life. Every now and then, it would whisper, slow down. You don't need all this.' Sarah Nickerson has it all: a high-flying career, a loving husband and children, a second home. But does she have time to enjoy it? Too busy to pay full attention, can she see what's left neglected? One fateful day while driving to work, Sarah looks away from the road for one second too long. In the blink of an eye, her overfull life comes to a screeching halt. In the wake of a devastating accident that affects her body and mind in surprising ways, it's time for her to choose: who does she really want to be?