
Lily Quench and the Secret of Manuelo

Natalie Jane Prior

Sale Price: ₹ 39.9
MRP: 39.9
Weight: 133 gm
ISBN: 9780141318653
Publisher: Puffin Books
Collection: Standard Books
Binding: Paperback
Description: "Welcome, Lily," Manuelo said. "I've been expecting you." Something strange is happening in the Black Mountains. The Black Empire now run by evil General Sark, an enemy of Lily and Ashby, is crumbling and its miners are in revolt. The revolution is rumoured to be led by a strange Robin Hood like figure called Manuelo. But Manuelo is also someone who has previously stolen some of the king of Ashby's treasure so no one knows who's side he is on. It is up to Lily to make the dangerous journey to the Black mines to confront this dark mysterious figure and find out whether he is friend or foe and who if fact he really is!