
Marrying the Mistress

Joanna Trollope

Sale Price: ₹ 142
MRP: 142
Weight: 355 gm
ISBN: 9780747589938
Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing
Collection: Classic Books
Binding: Paperback
Description: Merrion Palmer is Judge Guy Stockdale's mistress. His Honour's totty, as the Clerk to the Court so succinctly puts it. Guy has been having an affair with her for seven years, and neither Laura, his wife of forty years, nor his two grown-up sons know anything about her. Now the time has come for Guy to move on. Conscious of the passing years, of the wasted opportunities, he doesn't want to keep Merrion a secret any more. He wants to share her with his family, with the world. He wants, damnit, to marry her. And he is quite unprepared for the painful storm to come.