
Northanger Abbey

Jane Austen

Sale Price: ₹ 70
MRP: 350
Weight: 141 gm
ISBN: 9780140620757
Publisher: Penguin Classics
Collection: Premium Books
Binding: Paperback
Description: Though Northanger Abbey is one of Jane Austen's earliest novels, it was not published until after her death--well after she'd established her reputation with works such as Pride and Prejudice, Emma, and Sense and Sensibility. the novel is modeled after the day's popular romances and Gothic thrillers, which it then proceeds to ridicule. The heroine is Catherine Morland, who encounters upper-crust society at Bath, falls in love, and becomes targeted by misinformed fortune-seekers. After moving to Northanger Abbey, her imagination goes to work and dreams up mysteries that lead to various social disasters.