
Our World 2000


Sale Price: ₹ 417.3
MRP: 417.3
Weight: 1391 gm
ISBN: 9780333780596
Publisher: Macmillan Children's Books
Collection: Standard Books
Binding: Hardcover
Description: This unusual book is the result of a National Year of Reading competition open to all the primary schools of the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland. The competition, run by Macmillan Children's Books in association with The Book People, asks children to give their thoughts - in prose, verse and illustrations - about what the new millennium might bring. How will we look? What new inventions might there be? How will we travel? The competition was judged by Macmillan Children's Books in May and June of 1999. There are over 500 authors and illustrators! The children are aged between 4 and 12 years and come from all over the UK and Republic of Ireland, as there are regional and overall winners for each age group.