

Clive Gifford

Sale Price: ₹ 38.8
MRP: 38.8
Weight: 97 gm
ISBN: 9780340791653
Publisher: Hodder Children's Books
Collection: Classic Books
Binding: Paperback
Description: This is a lively and comprehensive guide to the game for children watching and playing rugby. Covering all the versions of rugby they are likely to come across, in and out of school - Rugby Union, Rugby League, New Image, Sevens etc. - it introduces the laws and main features of the game. It also gives detailed advice on techniques for playing better, including chapters devoted to ball handling, tackling, kicking, set plays and scoring tries. Like all super.activs, this book is packed with lively and informative illustrations. A reference section at the end provides useful addresses, booklists and websites, plus a glossary and index.