

Judy Blume

Sale Price: ₹ 49.2
MRP: 49.2
Weight: 123 gm
ISBN: 9780330398169
Publisher: Peter Hatcher's little brother is four. And he's as monstrous as ever! When fudge discovers that his new baby sister can't play with him, he tries to sell her. When that doesn't work, he tries giving her away. And on his first day at school he kicks his t
Collection: Classic Books
Binding: Paperback
Description: Peter Hatcher's little brother is four. And he's as monstrous as ever! When fudge discovers that his new baby sister can't play with him, he tries to sell her. When that doesn't work, he tries giving her away. And on his first day at school he kicks his teacher and calls her Rat face. Can his big brother help him out again?