
The Mind Alive Encyclopedia

Editorial Advisory Board

Sale Price: ₹ 407.7
MRP: 407.7
Weight: 1359 gm
ISBN: 9780856852992
Publisher: Cbs Direct Marketing Services
Collection: Standard Books
Binding: Hardcover
Description: CBS Direct Marketing Services, Terre Haute, IN, 1968. Staple. Book Condition: Mint - Slightly Aged. Clean pages, clear text with bright, colour images throughout - over 9¾" - 12" tall. Originally published in the UK by Martin Cavendish. US Edition: 120 Parts published weekly by CBS 1969 - 1979. Each Issue (weekly part) included articles covering 7 areas of Human Knowledge: Geography, Biology, Man and Medicine, Ideas, Physical Science, The Arts, and History. Illustrated with hundreds of beautiful photographs and spectacular maps and diagrams, mostly in color.