
Vet in Harness

James Herriot

Sale Price: ₹ 40.8
MRP: 40.8
Weight: 151 gm
ISBN: 9780330241564
Publisher: Pan Macmillan
Collection: Standard Books
Binding: Paperback
Description: With two years experience behind him, James Herriot still feels privileged working on the beautiful Yorkshire moors as assistant vet at the Darrowby practice. Time to meet yet more unwilling patients and a rich cast of supporting owners. Full of hilarious tales of his unpredictable boss Siegfried Farnon, his charming student brother Tristan, the joys of spring lambing, a vicious cat called Boris and James' jinxed courtship of the lovely Helen, Let Sleeping Vets Lie, the third volume of memoirs, is sure to delight hardened fans and new readers of James Herriot titles alike.