
When Witch's Wands Won't Work

Poly Bernatene

Sale Price: ₹ 59.2
MRP: 59.2
Weight: 148 gm
ISBN: 9781845390570
Publisher: "I'm fed up," groaned Rattle. "Me too," moaned Ricket. "So, let's go on holiday!" And so, once more, we enter the unique, manic world of Rattle, Rickett (and Rum) created by prize-winning illustrator Poly Bernatene, sequel to "Which Witch's Wand Works".
Collection: Classic Books
Binding: Paperback
Description: "I'm fed up," groaned Rattle. "Me too," moaned Ricket. "So, let's go on holiday!" And so, once more, we enter the unique, manic world of Rattle, Rickett (and Rum) created by prize-winning illustrator Poly Bernatene, sequel to "Which Witch's Wand Works".